Chemical Peel Treatment
The concept of peeling the skin to improve the texture, smoothen and beautify it has been used since ancient times. In ancient Egypt, Cleopatra used sour milk, now known to contain lactic acid, an alpha hydroxy acid while French women used old wine containing tartaric acid, to enhance the appearance of the skin. Chemical peeling is a common office procedure that has evolved over the years, using the scientific knowledge of wound healing after controlled chemical skin injury.
Chemical peeling is the application of a chemical agent to the skin, which causes controlled destruction of a part or entire epidermis, with or without the dermis, leading to exfoliation, removal of superficial lesions, followed by regeneration of new epidermal and dermal tissues.
Indications of Chemical Peels
- Melasma
- Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation
- Freckles
- Lentigines
- Facial melanoses
- Superficial acne scars
- Postacne pigmentation
- Comedonal acne
- Acne vulgaris-mild to moderately severe acne
- Photoaging
- Fine superficial wrinkling
- Dilated pores
- Superficial scars