Skin tags Removal Treatment
A skin tag is a small, soft, flesh-colored benign skin growth, often on a stalk.Skin tags are probably the single most common bump on adult skin.Skin tags are harmless but can be an annoying skin problem.Skin tags tend to occur on the eyelids, neck, armpits, groin folds, and under breasts.
A person may have one to hundreds of skin tags.Almost everyone will develop a skin tag at some time in their lives.Middle-aged, obese adults are most prone to skin tags.Getting rid of a skin tag does not cause more to grow. Destructive treatment options include freezing, strangulation with a ligature, snipping, and burning.
Skin Tags: Should They Be Removed?
Most doctors recommend removal of skin tags only when they are irritated or a source of discomfort, or if they constitute a cosmetic problem. Skin tags can be easily removed in the doctor's office by tying or cutting them after injecting a small amount of a local anesthetic.
What is a skin tag?
Skin tags are common, acquired benign skin-colored growths that resemble a small, soft balloon suspended on a slender stalk. Skin tags are harmless growths that can vary in number from one to hundreds. Males and females are equally prone to developing skin tags. Obesity seems to be associated with skin tag development. Although some skin tags may fall off spontaneously, most persist once formed. The medical name for skin tag is acrochordon. Some people call them "skin tags.